Five rules for effective shoulder training

shoulder-lift-arms1. If you want really wide and massive shoulder straps, you have to stimulate them with slow loads. The machines are fine, but up to a point. With their help, you can come to a certain level, however, further development of these muscles will require more radical measures. After turning professional, I had to almost completely switch to free workloads, because the machines did not give me the desired results.

2. One of the biggest mistakes is training your shoulder arms around your chest. All chest presses activate the forearm heads and triceps quite solidly. Turning then on to such movements, like a shoulder press, we can no longer count on their help and collapse very quickly. It is best to combine the shoulder straps with the back, because they are groups in opposition to each other, exactly the opposite. That's what I do myself. This combination gives me such good results, that I often take turns – once a series on shoulders, once on the back.

3. Too often, trainees let themselves be carried away by fantasy and instead of training, they organize demonstrations of strength and endurance. Personally, I see them as stupid displays, but that's my opinion. Effective training is not about carrying heavy loads, but for stimulating the muscles, on the feeling of their work. If it's not there, you are just wasting your time. Besides, I know from practice, that if you want to increase muscle mass, you should keep the repetitions within the series within range 8-12. If the load allows you to perform only 3-4 movements, you will get stronger, but your weight will not increase. I'm not sure, as bodybuilders that's what you want.

4. A real bodybuilder must not disproportionate the development of his muscles. So if for some reason a given group begins to develop, you have to take it under a magnifying glass “, start training more often and more reliably, even at the expense of other muscles. It will take some time for sure, but as a result it will lead to the harmonious development of muscles.

5. Like any other muscle group, shoulder straps also get used to it after some time, that we always excite them in one and the same way. You have to systematically change the way they train, introduce new factors – whether, whether it will be a change in the order of the exercises, change in the number of series and repetitions, or the application of a completely new distribution of movements. Muscles need skillful stimulation to grow, they must constantly adapt to the motion applied to them – only then will they react in the right way, that is, an increase in mass.