Mass for Dummies

Mass for Dummies

Mass for Dummies, that is, to put it more explicitly, for these, who, contrary to the general tendency not to lose weight, have a huge problem with gaining weight and building muscle mass. Why is this happening? Well it turns out, that our society is made up of different types of people. Some of us gain weight very quickly and easily, others again have no problems gaining muscle mass, and there are also such, who in no way can get rid of the name of skinny kids. The latter are the so-called ectomorphs.

Ectomorphic to typ, who can eat a lot, often much more, than his body requires, and he won't get fat anyway, or, if he gets fat, it is much less than people representing other body types. It is caused by a certain individual hormonal property of the ectomorph. It turns out, that in the ectomorph, thyroid hormones are the dominant hormones, which accelerate metabolism. Hence, the calories provided by it are burned very quickly by the body. If we increase the caloric content of the diet for the ectomorphs, his metabolism will adjust to it and start burning more. In addition, due to the aforementioned thyroid hormones, Ectomorphs use more energy than other people, because they have a higher body temperature. They are also usually very mobile people, active and nervous. Their entire digestive and excretory systems work quickly. The fact does not help the ectomorph in the development of muscle mass, that for his body, more intensely than others, an increase in calories in the diet also means increased production of thyroid hormones. All of these things contribute to it, that ectomorph, if he wants to gain weight, he must really do a lot of excess calories. In addition, carbohydrates should play a very important role in the diet of ectomorphs, which are an ideal source of energy. Ectomorphs should train rarely and briefly, but at high loads. It would also be best, if he moved as little as possible outside the gym, because each additional physical activity requires an even more caloric diet for him.

As you can see, sometimes our problems with weight gain are rooted in ourselves and are not due to fact, that we are on a bad diet, training, or supplementation. Sometimes, trying to adapt to our person generally accepted bodybuilding assumptions about diet or exercise, we must even radically change them, to allow yourself to get some results. Unfortunately, some of us have it easier and easily build muscles, others have to work hard again.

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