Bridge - Conventions Bridge - Arkona 1N

Bridge - Conventions Bridge - Arkona 1N.

It is a bridge bidding convention developed by the Polish theoretician Łukasz Sławiński. Sławiński developed the algorithm, which allows, according to the criteria adopted by him, to recognize the degree of natural counterfeit discipline. Natural counter in this context is counter, which has no other systemic significance in a given bidding situation, like versus whist (e.g.. against, Lightnera) or negative.
When using ARKONA, the penalty of countering is graded as follows:
100% or more – contra because, fit,
75% – propositional versus, rather fit,
50% – versus your choice, fold or bid,
25% – versus cooperative, rather, bid,
0% or me – versus callback, bid.
The penalty of the counter is calculated according to the mnemonic scheme named by the author PIUROPUSZ.
P – level – if the counter fell on a color bid, we add it 25% penalty for any level above one (level 1 = 0%, level 2 = 25%, level 3 = 50% itd.), if the counter fell on a toll-free bid, its penalty on the level of one is 50% and we add 25% for each level higher (level 1 = 50%, level 2 = 75%, level 3 = 100% itd.).
I – information – for each informational taunting partner (except for the strip or the negative) we add 25%, for each bid specifying the composition and strength, we add 50%.
U – color reconciliation – for each unforced (also blocking) we subtract the color agreement by either party 25%, if the agreement was strong, we subtract 50%.
R – rescue – for the opponent's cancellation of a counter or a redoubled bid by his own partner, or for the opponent's outbidding of a counter bid, we add 25%.
O – delay – for any delay, that is, we add the belt of the counter to the lower bid with the same property 25%; each time opponents agree on a controlled suit removes one delay.
P – advantage – if the opponents have the advantage of strength, we subtract 25%; if they are forced – to play 50%. We add the same values, if we have the upper hand.
U – skills, basically a free letter, a bit of a playful addition to the algorithm – if it seems to us, that we are much better than our opponents, we add 25%, if the opposite is the case, we take that away 25%.
SZ – artificiality, for countering an artificial bid we add 50%

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