Buying ski equipment - a few tips

Buying ski equipment - a few tips

If you have already decided to buy your own equipment for yourself, you should pay attention to a few important details. the most important is, not to be guided by the appearance of the skis. You know, that everyone is looking at it and girls are overdoing it, the skis have to fit in their handbags, backpack or something else in color, but it is true, that with skiing it is the last thing, which should guide the selection.

The most important details, What you should pay attention to is our growth, weight and skills. It is important, because properly selected skis should be so that their length is approx 10 – 15 cm shorter than the skier's height. This is where you should remember, that the longer the ski, the more demanding and intended for the skier with better skills, on the other hand, a ski that is too short will cause a loss of stability. The hardness of the ski depends on the weight of the skier. Unfortunately, it is not clearly defined, what should be the hardness of the ski to weight, because each manufacturer uses different scales. Skis are divided into cross-country skis, downhill and jumping. Downhill carving skis are the most popular among beginner skiers. With this type of skis you should start your adventure with skiing, because they make it easier to "take your first steps" in the snow. Carving skis distort the most skier mistakes, They also make turning easier. Carving skis do not have a straight line, are narrowed, very often they are compared to the waist (the photo below shows a typical carving ski, I don't think I need to mention, you have to click on it to open it in full size ?:)):

When buying ski boots, you should also be guided mainly by comfort in footwear. Don't buy by color. When buying ski boots, you should take this into account, that they will probably serve the skier much longer than the first skis. I advise against buying blind, for example allegro, even, if our size is listed on the auction. The size is unequal, first try the shoe on and in a thicker ski sock, not to buy too small. In addition, the shoe must under no circumstances be too large. It must fit perfectly, very often the discomfort disappears after some time, it is best to go to the store for a little longer and, for example, when trying on a shoe, walk around the store in it for about half an hour. Only after such checking can you buy the same size and model of a shoe online (if we choose to do so). The hardness of the shoe is also important when buying, let's remember that it can't be too big for beginner skiers. There are both walking and riding boots on the market, which makes it easier to move around in them on the way to the slope. In addition, Fischer shoes are equipped with the SOMA system, which allows minimal opening of the front of the foot in relation to the heel (the feet do not have to be placed perfectly parallel like skis). The SOMA system is very comfortable and reduces the risk of injury.

When it comes to ski poles, an important criterion is their performance. They must be durable and lightweight. The length of the stick should be selected as follows. Standing upright, catch the poles in reverse just below the snowflakes (which will be synonymous with the length of a stick stuck in the snow). A correctly fitted stick is then, when the shoulder and forearm form a right angle.

Bindings are designed to connect the ski boot to the ski. The bindings must fit perfectly with the ski and be adjusted. Bindings must have mechanisms that release the boots from the ski in the event of a fall. It's so important, that most ski manufacturers sell their products with dedicated bindings. It is the bindings that have the greatest impact on the safety of the skier and the effects of the fall depend to a large extent on them. The adjustment of such bindings must be adapted to the skier's weight and abilities. It depends on the adjustment of the binding, at which point the ski will disengage (can't get up too early, as this may occur during normal driving, nor too late, because the skier may be injured).

Additional accessories include a ski outfit, goggles etc. There is no point in mentioning the purchase of clothing here, in this case, you should only pay attention to the build quality (especially zippers and seams). Gloves are the most important part of the wardrobe. I know from my experience, that they decay the fastest (at least in my case:)), in addition, do not forget about the cap - very important in the case of colder days. Also, you should take care of it, make sure that the clothes and gloves are moisture-proof. It is worth wearing thermoactive underwear under the outfit. Such underwear keeps you warm, at the same time it allows the skin to breathe and permeates moisture, which can be very important when sweating while driving. Another very important accessory is goggles or glasses. Thanks to this addition, you can ride in snowfall (it does not dazzle while driving by hitting the eyes) and in the case of high sun, snow intensifies the strength of the sun's rays and sometimes it is impossible to drive without glasses. Manufacturers are already producing glasses and goggles, that do not collect steam. It is a very good idea to buy sunglasses, in which you can replace the part that goes behind the ears with a rubber band.