Cheating on triceps

triceps-lift-upIf you like to train triceps, I've got good news – there are dozens of good exercises for this muscle group. The bad news is this, that there are just as many ways to do them incorrectly. Triceps are difficult to isolate, because the muscles of the arms and back "rush" to help them very quickly. So you need to concentrate on the proper technique for performing the exercises. Pulling the bar is very popular and there are many variants of their execution. Some examples below.

Grab the bar with the grip, lock your elbows at your sides, take comfortable, stable position, so, so that you don't move while you cheat. Also block the spine, do not lean back. You're supposed to look like a mantis getting ready to attack – erect, hands raised, hands clenched on the bar. Get him off, while keeping gentle, Constant, steady pace. Control the return movement at every point. For variety, you can slightly pull your elbows away from the body – you will then feel a different type of muscle tension.

The laps on the sloping bench are great at the end of the triceps training. Sit on the sloping bench in front of the lift – this exercise will shock your muscles in a new way. Bring your elbows to the sides again – if they come off, then the cage will come into play.
Another variety of pulls are different types of grabs – you can grab the bar with an overhand and underhand grip at the same time, narrowly or wide. You can feel a little weird when you do trick chews, but then you work the outer heads of the triceps accordingly. Don't worry, that your forearms hurt.
Although I am not a supporter of them, it is during rest between sets for other exercises,, you can do cheating one-kids. I do not like them, because it's easy to cheat here. Bodybuilders can often be seen, who are bending, to complete the last repetition in this exercise. Pay attention to technique, because it will help you build triceps symmetry.