Exercises for lazy people

Exercises for lazy people

No one wants, so that the shape of his belly looks like an inflated tire. Both men and women dream of their figure being quite shapely, so that you can feel good in your own skin. What to do to make our tummy flat again?

Exercises for a lazy person can be performed at home or while working while sitting at a desk. No need to visit the gym, or conduct morning gymnastics. Take advantage of the short break, for exercise, which will easily improve the abdominal muscles.

Sitting 20cm from the desk, rest your hands on the table top and, by tensing your abdominal muscles, raise your legs as high as possible, bent at the knees. We endure as long as we can. After exercising, lower the legs, relaxing the abdominal muscles. we repeat the exercise several times.

With problems with spider veins and emerging varicose veins, when the legs are swollen, and thickened veins are more and more visible, we should practice as much as possible, to stop the worsening of the disease at least partially.

During many hours of standing and sitting, blood has a difficult job of flowing up towards the heart (in people with a tendency to varicose veins, because the valves are not working properly).

To help yourself, you need to force the muscles of the lower leg to work. Exercise helps the blood to circulate efficiently in our body.

If you have a job “sitting” the “standing” move your legs whenever you can (make circular movements with your feet, do vertical scissors under the desk, move your toes, get up on your toes and down on your heels).

During the break, take a walk in the corridor.

• Go for walks, swim, take your bike out of the basement – riding it is great at keeping the leg muscles in motion, so much needed health
* if you have the option, keep your feet on a stool while you work, and always rest after working with your legs above the level of your heart
* use cool foot showers
* sleep with legs above the level of the heart about 10cm
* if you are overweight, lose weight
* eliminate hot baths

Your comments

19.05.2009 14:35:24

these exercises will work for you to have a flat stomach???


12.06.2009 11:27:20

hmm.. but I love hot baths, especially after morning jogging when it blows;) cold showers? brrr.. but we will try:)


26.01.2010 19:28:19

I would recommend such a vibrating belly belt from myself, something like AB Gymnic, if there is a possibility, discreetly and without complexes, 5 minutes and the abdominal muscles are like after an hour of training:)

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