From the history of canoeing

From the history of canoeing

Great canoeing boom, as we observe all over the world, may suggest, that it has a centuries-old past and old traditions. In reality, however, modern canoeing has a very short history.

The year is considered to be the beginning of modern canoeing 1860, when the Scotsman Mac Gregor was the first canoeing tourist to cross many rivers of Great Britain on a wooden canoe, and in the years 1865-1867 a dozen or so rivers of Sweden and Germany. His travels found many followers and in the year 1866 he founded the first "Royal Canoe Club" in England”.

Of course, there has been a kayak since ancient times, next to the skis, the basic means of transportation for peoples inhabiting both sides of the Bering Strait, the population of the Aleutian Islands, Inuit and Sami.

This is how the kayak is used to this day, and the technique used by the Inuit when kayaking is an unattainable dream for most canoeists.

Parallel to the travels of the Scot Mac Gregor in North America begins the heyday of the North American Indian boat - "canoe". Thousands of Americans engage in sports and tourism on boats of this type. Numerous clubs are created at a pace characteristic of this country, a year 1880 the world's first American Canoe Association is founded” (A.C.A.) of a sports nature. W 1887 r. the British Canoe Association is established.

Canoeing began in Germany immediately after Mac Gregor's travels, and it immediately became extremely popular. Alfred Henrich was an ardent advocate of canoeing, who has earned the title of "the father of German canoeing”, W 1904 r. is the first to build a Delfin” i w 1905 r. it flows through the Isera from Tölz to Munich, arousing quite a sensation and admiration for the advantages and efficiency of the folding box. This is how the career of a folding kayak began in Europe.

In year 1907 the first J. Klepper, still producing one of the best folding machines in the world.

In the twenties of our century, canoeing is making a meteoric career in most European countries.

W 1904 r. the Swedish Canoe Association is established ,,Swedish Canoe Federation” (S.K.F.), w 1913 niemiecki “German Canoe Association” (D.K.V.) a w 1918 r. Danish „Dansk Kajak eg Ka-noeforbund” (D.K.K.F.). The Austrian Canoe Association is established in 1921 r. "Austrian Canoe Association". The International Canoe Federation was established in 1923 r. under the name "Internationale Representatenschaft fur Kanu-sport”. Initially, it covered the unions of Austria, Denmark, Germany and Sweden. After the Second World War, the name of the Federation was changed to "Internationale Canoe Federa tion."” (I.C.F.) based in Stockholm. Currently to I.C.F. there are dozens of countries from all parts of the world. The development of canoeing in Poland began a little later, than in other European countries. The first timid attempts to use the kayak for tourist purposes were made in the 1920s by Grzelak in Warsaw, Grabowski and Leszko, and in Krakow Plebańczyk and Figuła. They were the first to bring or build the famous in Western Europe folders and having experienced the charms of a canoeing vagabond, they became its ardent spokesmen. Since then, the development of canoeing in Poland begins. W 1928 r. is established at the Polish Ski Association - the Canoe Commission, which aims to provide organizational frames for the rapidly developing canoeing. A year later, the Commission changes into an independent Polish Canoe Federation, which in 1930 r. is renamed the Polish Canoe Federation. The period from the establishment of PZKaj until the outbreak of World War II was a period of dynamic development of Polish canoeing. Most of the existing clubs and sections bring kayaking tourism to the fore.

Huge merit of Maria Podhorska-Okołów. This great lover of the canoeing tramp has devoted her entire life to the good and flourishing of canoeing tourism in Poland.. She promoted and founded clubs, she wrote guides, she built riverside hostels, organized kayaking trips, contests, exhibitions, introduced new tourist equipment, and also actively engaged in canoe tourism.

Polish canoeing is in full bloom. After getting to know their native waters, Poles leave the country, across Europe to Asia and Africa. Korabiewicz flows to the minarets, and then the Tigris and Euphrates into Asia. Scouts from Poznań are going to Berlin and Paris. Plebańczyk and Figuła go along the Orawa river, Vah and the Danube to Belgrade and further to the Adriatic Sea. Switalski and Chałupnik sail to the Greek seas. Many are flowing, many others, which cannot be replaced.

At that time, many canoeing tourists from other countries come to Poland, getting to know the beauty of our waterways. About the role, what Polish canoeing played at that time, testifies to awarding Poland in the year 1938 by the International Canoe Federation (I.R.K.) first place for tourism activity in this area. The success value is all the greater, that our competitor was Germany, where tourism stood at a high level and was well developed. The appointment there was no less success 1938 r. Maria Podhorska-Okołów to the Management Board of I.R.K.

This wonderful development of Polish canoeing was interrupted by the Second World War. After its completion you, what they survived, start working again immediately. They're looking for old activists, they acquire new ones. As the first sports organization, the Polish Canoe Federation is established in Krakow. Damage is removed thanks to state aid. The beginnings of a tourist base are formed on the waterways. Every year, more and more tourists, water sports enthusiasts, explore and learn about the most beautiful Polish water routes.

W 1951 year, as a result of the reorganization of sport and tourism in Poland, The Polish Canoe Federation is dissolved. Canoeing tourism, along with all property and property, takes over the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society. The Water Tourism Commission is established here, and then, after the separation of sailing, Kayakowa. The Commission has been developing lively activities from the outset. Great water events come to the fore, with a giant, the multi-thousanders Rafting on Polish Waters to the Border of Peace at the fore.

After a year 1957 sports associations revived. The Polish Canoe Federation was re-established, however, the Canoe Commission, along with a significant part of its assets, operates in PTTK, covering with all its activities a significant number of canoeing tourists.

The achievements of the Canoe Commission of the Main Board of PTTK and the field commissions are serious. W 1969 r. the number of field kayak commissions was 171 and 51 affiliating clubs 3318 members. The core of PTTK's kayaking assets is 1260 registered Canoe Tourism Leaders.

W 1969 r. the number of holders of the Tourist Canoe Badge has increased to 2904. Organized 133 parties, in which they participated 4614 people, and 2104 tours from 24 021 participants.

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