Slimming? It's simple! I did it more than once ...

Slimming? It's simple! I did it more than once ...

"I hate my body, I'm ashamed of him, it is misshapen, the skin is not firm and the cellulite… ”you know it?
Have you ever saying these words, you thought why you blame your body?
Is it responsible for it?, what reflection do you see in the mirror? Is it to blame?

You shape them. Have you ever wondered how you treat them? How are you eating? How do you take care of your figure?
(And I'm not talking about tormenting yourself with new diets - a miracle or murderous training, after which you are forced to let go for a few more days). If you are not proud of your answers, then you can't blame him. The first step, to do something about it, there is awareness, that it is only up to you in what form it is.

think about it, how many times standing in front of a mirror, you blamed them for everything. How did you feel about him?. How cruel you have been to yourself in judging. How many times have you taken radical actions like “I don't eat sweets from today! Or it's best not to eat anything at all ... ", to punish myself for my appearance?

Effect? You usually stick to your assumptions for a week, a maximum of two.
After this time, you run to the mirror, and in it you don't see the figure of a model. Application? 'It's all in vain, I won't be thin anyway'.
Such a negative image of your figure can lead to compulsive overeating or emotional eating. This, in turn, is a vicious cycle, which distances you from your dream figure even more.

So what to do? Realize, that your body, this is your friend. You have to like them. And it's best to love it. Treat them like that - as if they were loved. If you expect something from him, then you have to devote your time to him. Get up early and spend a few minutes on your body. Pay attention to it, how you feel after light, healthy meal, and how after a 'heavy' dinner. Don't torture yourself with hard training, just find activity, which gives you pleasure. Give yourself time, and your body will start working with you.

Treat yourself well, and the dream figure will be a 'side effect' of this treatment. But remember, that changes come with time, and on the body, which you have, you've been working for years. So why do you expect the effect immediately?

How to start? Try to implement the changes below, It's for free, and you can gain much.

Habits, worth implementing:

1. Start your day with a glass of lemon water.

2. Be sure to eat breakfast.

3. Stay hydrated ! Choose still mineral water and teas.

4. Eat small portions, but regularly and often.

5. Give up sweets and processed foods. (And in the event of a crisis, save yourself with nuts, dried fruit or dark chocolate ;))

6. Replace light with dark - bread, pasta, rice, flour ...

7. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits!

8. Choose healthy fats.

9. Eat your last meal 3, at the latest 2 h before bedtime.

10. sleep a lot.

Try to make these changes for a minimum period 3 weeks.
Don't wear right away, that it will be like this for life.
Don't put everything on one card.
Don't follow the "all or nothing" principle.
Just try to put these habits into practice, you will definitely not regret it.

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