Stay motivated!

Stay motivated!

September has come, and with it the desire to return to pre-holiday form. Achieving it may not be easy, especially when we trained less during the summer rest. Many times our dietary resolutions were put to the test, especially while on vacation, which is, unfortunately, sometimes from two weeks, imperceptibly, turned into a two-month laba.

So now is the best time to put your recovery plan in place.
Concentrate on your goal and give yourself a chance !

1. Cultivate Motivation!

When you manage to find the motivation to eat healthy and exercise - nurture it. Always remember that impulse, who pushed you to do so, that you started exercising. Maybe it's your photo? Print them out and keep them in sight. Maybe someone's metamorphosis? Quote? Whatever did, that you wanted a change, keep it on hand.

2. Listen to yourself.

Watch your body. Determine, when you have moments of weakness (Chocolate is more tempting, when you feel underappreciated / sad / stressed?), which drains your energy? When you find out, you will know what situations to avoid. You will recognize the signals flawlessly, which are a threat to you, so you can avoid them.

3. Think positive!

Too many obstacles in your way? Learn to avoid them, and if it fails, get the positives out of them. You are discouraged, disappointed or angry? Nothing works better and gives you greater satisfaction, than the feeling that accompanies training Check, you do not lose anything.

4. Set goals and control them.

On the way to your destination, sometimes it may seem, that you can't see the effects. Therefore, measure them! Measure your body circumference, note the changes taking place in it. Changes taking place in your head. First comments on your effects
from outside. All this will help you get through the hard times and become aware, what you are doing makes sense.

5. Be patient!

Give yourself time. Don't you dare everyday. Don't expect results after one day of exercise.
Give yourself a month, then the other. Nobody is chasing you. Don't wait for the results, wait for the next training.
He brings you closer to your goal.

“Never give up on a goal just because, that it takes time to achieve it.
Time will pass anyway ".

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