Camping equipment

After the season, after thoroughly repairing the damage to the pillow, clean it and sprinkle it with talcum powder, folding in a dry and airy place.

Stoves are indispensable equipment for tourists. As long as with the purchase of a spirit cooker type "Beskid” or the "Vistula" type, we will have no problem, so when buying a gas stove, the results are quite serious” difficulties, due to the small market supplies. As for gas stoves, tourists-canoeists willingly use them due to their advantages. However, a gas stove seems to be more practical, which is distinguished by this, that it consumes little fuel, does not dirty, has the ability to regulate the flame, and above all, it is cheap to operate. The downside to her is this, that it requires a windbreak.

Spirit cookers, the so-called. kochers, have this advantage, that they are safe, easy to use, easy to build, equipped with a set of dishes, with windbreak. The downside to them is, that they dirty the vessel and are not economical in operation. Gas cookers (butane, propane) they are gaining more and more followers due to their great economic advantages (one kilogram load is enough for 48 hours), uncomplicated operation, do not soil the dishes.

When going on a trip, we must become independent from fuel purchases during the first 2-3 days, so we take with us a 2-3 liter reserve in a tin can.

After the season, clean the stove and the bulb from the outside, a holes (nozzles) we clean with a wire, we pack it in a cover and store it in a dry place for the winter period. Aluminum pots complement the spirit cooker; in the "Beskid" set we find 2 pots, 1 the pan, handle, cover. The "Vistula" set includes 3 pots, pan, handle, kettle, infuser, country board.

The set of kitchen equipment should include:

2 aluminum pots with lids serving as pans,
1 kettle,
2—3 tea-coffee mugs,
1 handle,
2 flat aluminum boxes (loose articles),
1 aluminum butter dish,
1 box called. breakfast,
2 knives, 2 Forks, 2 spoons (stainless),
1—2 canning knives,
1 tea infuser.

We protect the above-mentioned trinkets against damage or loss in specially sewn covers. Remember to keep the dishes in proper condition and clean, wash and rinse thoroughly after each use. After the season, carefully clean and dried dishes are put into the cover. Our equipment should include a tourist shovel, the so-called. like. The shovel has many uses in our canoe trip. It serves us for many jobs: we dig tents with it, campfires, we dig pits-latrines, rubbish pits, we eliminate all traces at the campsite, burying the pits, grooves, hearths. After sharpening one edge, the shovel also acts as a hatchet. Clean the shovel after each use, not to rust us, after the trip, cleaned up, dried and slightly greased, should be kept in a canvas cover sewn by us.

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