How to increase muscle mass and strength

training-enoughMam 18 years and have been practicing for a while, but on a regular basis it's just some 3 months. During this time, exercise regularly (every day) my bench press score improved significantly, will be with 63 kg in 95 kg. I have a gym at home and I have a bench with a butterfly function, of course, a straight bar and a few dumbbells. I would like you to tell me how to train to gain a lot of muscle mass and strength. My dimensions are: Libra 70 kg, growth 175 cm, in my hips 78 cm, in the chest 108 cm, shoulders 115 cm, tiny biceps 35cm. And I would like to know what I could take at the beginning and is it true that creatine goes into four letters because I have friends who took it and they do not exercise anything for their feet and now they look like a pear. What to do to overcome this effect?

Let's start with the thing that stands out the most, that is, the improvement of the bench press result. If you went full ahead in three bellows 32 kilograms, it is praise and appreciation to you, we only have serious doubts about it, how much longer do you manage to pack this way. Besides, do you focus primarily on your chest in your trainings?, biceps and shoulders? if so, then you should finally think about it, that your legs need training too. Bodybuilding is about developing the muscles of the whole organism, and not just selected parts of it. W si-

home hunting, maybe you don't have much room to show off, maybe you don't have God knows what equipment, but for starters, that's enough for you, what you already have. You MUST train all your muscles, otherwise it won't be bodybuilding, and some chaotic waving of iron.

For now, do not think about the great mass and power – during the first training period, you need to get your body used to the effort, learn the correct repetition technique, learn to eat it well, and think about enriching your own theoretical knowledge. In short, you will have a lot to learn in the first few months, so it will be a while before you start getting solid results. think about it, how about school – first you need to master the basics, so that I can broaden my knowledge.

Training for mass and strength? It mainly requires basic exercises, in rather short bursts, with heavy load. If he's to be safe, you must start it with a longer warm-up, and the best, if in the last series, in which you are close to a muscle breakdown, you can use the help of a training partner. In this way, you stimulate each muscle group once a week, not more often, leaving her a lot of time to regenerate. Of course, making mass requires a solid diet, rich in protein and carbohydrates. Muscles need loads of calories to work and nutrients to increase mass, if you don't deliver it to them, instead of more mass, you will have totally overtrained muscles.

Creatine going to the hips and thighs? Who told you such things? I guess you should be more critical of that, what these people say. If someone grows d…, that is, either has bad eating habits, doesn't care about diet, or has any tendency to deposit fat there, or it does nothing and just gobbles up.

Old, the body's two largest muscle groups are the back and legs. The legs as a whole make up half of the total body muscularity, so if you don't train them, you are making a mistake. In addition, the working muscle will draw nutrients from the blood even when resting, because after training it regenerates and restores used energy. If someone eats really solid portions, designed to strenuously nourish the whole organism, rather than training half the muscles, which therefore does not consume the planned amount of energy, it's probably clear that the unburned calories are deposited somewhere. You already know, Where… And creatine is not to blame for it, but bad approach to training. If someone eats like a bodybuilder, he must train the same. Eliminating the accumulated fat will require the inclusion of all muscles in training, increasing the intensity of exercise and maintaining the caloric value of the diet at the current level. Of course, the recovery process is bound to take a while.